2007: 5 / ... |
_________ May __________ |
2007: 5 / 5
8:00am - 12:00pm |
Indoor Yard Sale. Fundraiser sponsored by the Women Of Wisdom. It will be an indoor yard sale with refreshments for sale as well.
All clothing "Fill-A-Bag" for $5.00. VHS movies only 50¢. DVD movies only $1.00. A Snack Shack will open as well. Cookies, Brownies & Hot Dog, Soda & Chip combo $1.50. If you have any items that you would like to donate to the sale, please contact Sister Elaine Warren at 610-925-497

2007: 5 / 12
9:30am |
D.A.Y. (Destiny Awaits You) Classes
(New Members Class)
Christian Basics II, Kingdom Principals

2007: 5 / 12
8:00am - 12:00pm |

2007: 5 / 18
8:00pm |
Fellowship Outreach...

Christ Haven Pent. |
2007: 5 / 19
An afternoon with "Madea."
Sponsored by the Seasoned Best Ministry.
Lunch will be served. See Sister Margaret Hicks for details.

2007: 5 / 19
9:30am |
D.A.Y. (Destiny Awaits You) Classes
(New Members Class)
Major Biblical Themes

2007: 5 / 21
6:35pm |
Kennett Square Community Night for Baseball!
Happening at the Blue Rocks in Wilmington, DE.
See Sister Catherine Jones for information - 610-444-5581.

Blue Rocks |
2007: 5 / 25
Friday - 8:00pm

5 / 26
Saturday - 3:00pm

5 / 27
Sat. nite - 12:00am
Sunday - 9:00am 
4:00pm |
Special Event: Pentecostal Celebration...
- May 25th: 8pm Pastor Jerry Eldridge
and the Temple of Praise Worldwide, Inc., Bear, DE

- May 26th: 3pm Pastor Rodney Williams
of the Strong Tower Pentecostal, Richmond, VA

- May 27th: 12am Midnight Cry
Midnight Meeting at the Church - Saturday night / Sunday morning.

- May 27th: 9am Rev. Terri McClain
of the St. James UAME, Darlington, MD, The Mighty Wind Celebration

- May 27th: 11am Elder Ernie Stevens
of the Highway Word of Faith, Newark, DE.

- May 27th: 4pm Pastor Luke Witherspoon, Jr.
of the Living Word, Absecon, NJ.

