By: Kaitlin Edborg | 06/10/2004 |
Years ago, Anna Anderson’s interest was sparked during a Bridging the Community meeting when conversation turned to creating more Study Buddy programs in the area. She felt she had to do whatever she could to bring the program to the Greater Works Ministry, and she did. Now, she’s ready to retire after seven years of dedicated work with her Greater Works Study Buddy program.
The tutoring program enrolls kids from kindergarten to 10th grade. The students are personally picked up in a van driven by Anderson on Thursday evenings and they stay until 7:30 p.m.
During that time they work on their homework with the 11 volunteer tutors who range in age from high school students to adults. According to Anderson, the homework loads can get pretty heavy. But if children finish their homework, they are encouraged to read until it’s time to go.
Joan Holliday, one of Anderson’s co-workers who helped her begin Greater Works Study Buddies, praised Anderson’s work. “It’s magical to see so many kids lively and energetic and at the same time, so orderly. Anna commands respect in a way that comes from love, not authority,” said Holliday.
Anderson said the program has been rewarding to her, and she loves seeing the positive results from her students.
“I like to read the letters the kids write about the program,” she said. “One young man was making bad grades and came up to A’s and B’s so he wrote a ‘What I like about Study Buddies’ letter.”
Some kids have attended Anderson’s program straight through its seven years. and many kids use it on-and-off. Currently, the program has over 20 regular students attending. There is a Study Buddy Program for four churches in this area, including Anderson’s Greater Works Ministry. According to Holliday, the program is a community-based effort and is in partnership with the churches.
“Anna is one of the most committed women I’ve ever experienced. She does it with such love and affection and understanding. She really joins with the spirit of the child,” Holliday said.
Greater Works Ministries in The Kennett Paper, June 10, 2004