Men's Day 2014 Join us Sunday, October 12 for two Power packed services. Elder Fred Cuthbertson Pentecostal Faith Assemblies, Philadelphia, PA Elder Richard Lawrence Greater Morningstar Apostolic Ministries, Largo, MD Special Musical …
Greater Works Ministries Blog
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You can Favorite a Tweet on Twitter In defining a "Favorite," Twitter reports: "Favorites, represented by a small star icon next to a Tweet, are most commonly used when users like a Tweet. Favoriting a Tweet can let the original poster know that you liked …
Sondra Taylor at GWM, July 20, 2014
Pastor Sondra Taylor and members of the Galilee UAME Church in Avondale, PA join in fellowship with Greater Works Ministries July 20, 2014 at 4:00pm …
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Web Tip No. 8: Follow us on Google+ If you own a YouTube account, have GMail account, use Google+ or Google Docs, you have a Google account! If you have a Google account you can follow our Google Page! Find updates for our latest videos, special events and …
Will You Be The One, July 13, 2014
Will You Be The One Sunday sermon from Overseer C. Mark Avery at Greater Works Ministries on July 13, 2014. Message of the sermon, "Will you be the one?" - Luke 8 43-48 …