The Many Ministries of Greater Works Ministries

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D.A.Y. (Destiny Awaits You) Classes: New member’s class of Bible study and training.
Dining Services: Prepares meals for visiting church members and ministers.
Discipleship Training: A Bible study class held at the Church to deepen understanding of the Bible. Child care is offered in the Church social room during class. see Services for meeting times…
Ecclesiastical Care: Provides guest services to ministers, preachers and pastors. go to Eccleasiastical Care Ministry…
Hospitality Ministry: Members serve as the official door keepers of the house who help newcomers become acclimated to the church. The Ushers oversee the care of parishioners while services are being conducted. go to Hospitality Ministry…
Mighty Men Ministry: This ministry, also known as Iota / Sigma / Iota, Men’s Fellowship that ministers holistically to the men of Greater Works through monthly fellowships, gatherings and empowerment sessions. go to Mighty Men Ministry… see Services for meeting times…
Ministerial Training: Monthly training to ministers provided by Pastor Avery with an open forum and empowerment sessions.
Multimedia Ministry: Church outreach and communications via radio, television, newspapers, magazines, the Internet & more. go to Multi-Media Ministry…
Music: The Greater Works Ministry Band plays at each sermon and the many choirs perform for special events. go to Music Ministry…
Newsletter: A monthly publication by the Church that notes current & upcoming events, articles of interest, Church members writings, & more. go to Newsletter…
Nursing Ministry: Church members who are nurses and that are on active attendance in the church ready to assist any who might need emergency care. go to Nursing Ministry…
Outreach Evangelism: Extended ministries that hold Praise in the Park services and that minister in prisons and other places for the Word to be heard.
Praise & Worship Ministry: leads members and visitors in praise and worship during special events.
Prayer Ministry: The Living Waters daily prayer held at the Church Sanctuary. see Services for meeting times…
Seasoned Best Ministry: Members of 55 year plus members. The Purpose Of Life Is a Life of Purpose.
Shepherd’s Care: Oversee ministerial duties and coordinates practical and physical needs for the pastor. go to Shepherd’s Care Ministry…
Transportation Services: Provides transportation to those who need assistance coming to the church and coordinates with group outing activities.
Ushers: Serve as the official door keepers of the house. go to Ushers Ministry…
Women of Wisdom Ministry ( W.O.W. ): Minister holistically to women of Greater Works and beyond. go to W.O.W. Ministry… see Services for meeting times…
Youth Ministry: Sports and fun outings and discussion groups for the young.
Affiliated Ministry
Haitian Ministry: Serve as the official door keepers of the house. go to Haitian Ministry…